This is a beautiful post. ❤️🙏

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just what i needed, thanks 🤍

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"I am not a person who writes every day nor every week nor every month, and this stretch—listening to and reading other people’s work voraciously but not even wanting to hear myself think—for the most part, combined with whatever accounts for busy-ness, it felt sufficient. I love work, love jobs, love doing things that feel immediately and assuredly productive. (This is also a pathology I realize; I’m writing this newsletter because my children requested another hour to hang out, and I already folded all the laundry and cleaned the kitchen, and I needed something to do with my hands)."

"A few days later, I dropped our younger kid at school and started running away from home instead of toward it. I’d planned to run, had my shoes and keys and phone, but I went toward the Brooklyn Bridge and then over and then down to Battery Park and up the westside highway, air pods not in, silent, trying to get inside the dream again. I took the subway home and typed into my phone and almost missed my stop."

What a joy to open this up for a Sunday morning read.

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